Friday, March 16, 2012

Hypo Venture Capital Headlines: Lake Zurich artist aims for a positive impact

Color, in all its glory and subtlety, is a hallmark of Lynn Miller’s art. The Lake Zurich artist works in watercolor and pastels, and primarily creates landscape pieces taken from photos she has taken. Her expertise in her chosen mediums lets her exploit the advantages of each in creating her vibrant art.
“I enjoy the translucency and fluidity of watercolor – using such techniques as glazing, masking and spattering I can control the media for the desired effect. Pastels allow for the layering of colors on top of colors. Both methods let me present different perspectives and feelings to the viewer,” explains Miller.

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“I take pictures of whatever catches my eye and then use that photo as a reference for the painting. My goal is to make the painting more interesting and exciting than the photo — I put a lot of thought into making the painting better than the photo,” explains Miller.
Glenview teacher
Miller was an art teacher for 32 years in Glenview School District 34. She now pursues her passion creating work, which, she hopes, will create connections or evoke positive memories or thoughts for the viewer.
As she notes in her Artist’s Statement, “My work reflects the elements that attract me to the scene, and its emotional impact. I paint visually pleasing subjects like flowers and landscapes because of the positive impact of such images on the viewer and me.”
At the Dole Mansion exhibit, viewers will be treated to a variety of Miller’s artwork — from landscapes to seascapes and nautical paintings to city scenes. Featured pieces at this month’s exhibit include, “All In a Day’s Work,” a colorful Italian street scene with a woman walking by and a string of laundry hanging above, and a delicate, yet radiant watercolor, “Fruit of the Vine.”
Miller and her husband love to travel and she paints many pictures from photos she has taken during her travels. Another painting, “Quays, Dublin” invites the viewer in for a pint at colorful, vintage Dublin pub. The detailed street scene show the brightly-painted pub exterior with an equally vivid fall of flowers overhanging the neighboring shop, both welcoming the viewer to another place in the world.
“I enjoy exploring hard and soft within a painting – many of my pictures place the soft edges of natural objects against the rigid lines of architectural structures,” explains Miller.
Natural beauties
Miller’s landscapes and seascapes/nautical works create a sense of peace and joy in the natural world. Miller’s pastel, “Autumn on the Lake” is a spectacular explosion of color, setting the vivid reds and golds of autumn trees against the lingering greens from summer.
“I love flowers — I paint my own flowers, wild flowers and, I have painted scenes of the gardens and landscapes at the Botanic Garden and the Morton Arboretum,” says Miller.
Miller has won many awards for her paintings. Some recent awards include a special recognition this year at the 12th Annual Realism Online International Art Exhibit, a “Bold Brush” finalist in 2010 and an Award of Excellence from the Illinois Watercolor Society in 2009.
In addition to participating in many art shows, Miller’s work has been featured in many businesses, banks, government buildings, libraries and art galleries throughout the Chicago area.

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